Friday, February 17, 2012

Showing Care

I've been meaning to write this one for a little while now, basically since I left Taylor and flew out here to Ireland. It's been on my mind for a long time, something that I've tried to deal with and something that has been at the back of my mind for a while. My own personal struggles have highlighted it, and I've seen God work with it. Everyone needs to recognize this for the people in their lives:

It means a lot to know people care.

The inspiration for this update came about with my preparing to leave Swallow. I love my dorm and I feel like I am a part of it. Apparently, so did most of my friends. Before I left, they got together and threw a surprise-going away party for me. All my friends who were there for J-term showed up to hang out, talk, have pizza, and play games. It wasn't just my dorm mates, friends from off campus came as well. Everyone was barefoot and wore hats, like I am so known to do. It was kind of corny, but it was a great gesture. Being able to see everyone and talk with them and to know they were gathered there because they cared about me was thrilling.

Know, as kind and caring of a gesture as this was, what made it so incredibly impactful for me? It was a kind of answer to prayer. I'll make no secret of this, I have often felt out of place wherever I go. It isn't the fault of anyone, I just feel like my personality is different than people are used to. I was dealing with this for a while this last semester and into J-term. I spent a number of nights talking with God about it, asking Him to help me find where I fit. Seeing what my friends went through for me, that they took the time to organize something for me really showed me how much people actually care. God answered my prayers through these people.

The main point of this tale is this; we want to feel appreciated. It is hard to go through life with the feeling of being alone. Loneliness isn't just not being around people, it can be about being with people and not feeling like you belong. There is a desire to connect and know that the connection means something. The easiest way to do this seems to be just saying it. Just to tell someone that you appreciate them and that they matter to you can do wonders in a persons life. We shouldn't be afraid of showing each other that kindness and making sure they know that they matter.

I hope that anyone from Swallow and from Taylor who reads this will know that I appreciate what was done for me. Everyone of you means a lot to me. Taylor and the friends I have found in and around Swallow have become a second family for me. Every personality and unique character that I know has shaped my college life and impacted me in countless ways. I want to thank all of you back home. I miss you guys, and as much as I love being here in Ireland, I'm looking forward to coming back and seeing you all again.

And when I get back, there will be a whole new batch of freshman to torment.

Just something to chew on.

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