Friday, June 15, 2012

From Concentrate

Guy's aren't good at multitasking, it's a fact that we should all have accepted by now. I know for me, that when I am doing more than one thing, they tend to suffer in quality, if only slightly. If I take it one task at a time, I tend to do better and stay more organized. Things require focus and concentration, for video games, to writing, to any kind of work.

The same is true of our relationship with God.

Talking to God is easy, right? Just start talking and to Him and He'll listen, despite how we ramble. God listens and we have a healthy, happy relationship. No problem. Except that's not usually how it works. I have a watch that has a few alarms that go off through the day reminding me to pray. Do it do it as every time? No, sadly. I keep myself busy, and it seems like I've built up a reaction to just hit the off button and move on. More often than not, I don't pray.

For me, talking to God requires a lot of focus. When I really need to talk to him, I have to go off on my own, find somewhere where I can think quietly, and literally talk out loud to Him. Whatever my problems are, whatever I need to deal with, I say it to the air, knowing He will hear me. The thing is, I need that silence. I get so easily distracted by whatever is going on around me that I don't focus on God like I need to.

Quiet time is important in the Christian walk. That's not new. I think, however, that we need to do more than just take time to be quiet. We need to practice focus. We need to start in our quiet time, learning how to concentrate on God, then be able to take that concentration with us into our busy lives. That's one of my goals for the summer. In the heat of the kitchen, during the rush of meal preparations, I want to be able to take a few seconds and focus on God. It'll take effort, but that's what I'm hoping for.

And girls, I still doubt how good you all are at multitasking.

Just something to chew on.

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