Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Hunger

Not only did I get White Castle, I got a package of frozen white castle, from the gas station by campus, at two thirty at night, after walking half a mile in the snow. I don't know what it was, (other than the fact I hadn't eaten all day) but I had a huge craving for some of these crappy little sliders. That desire is what I'm looking at now.

What is it with cravings?

We've all had them. For some unknown reason, we really want something to eat, and it's usually the strangest thing. For me it was the White Castle, but people crave some weird food they might have had in another country, or even something terrible they ate, but want again. Why? Never do we crave a healthy carrot stick, or a salad. It's always the food that clogs arteries and causes bloated comas.

Is there some imbalance of hormones or something? Pregnant women get some serious cravings during their time. When else will someone ask for a chocolate and blueberry covered halibut? Could all the chemical changes be the explanation? I'm not saying women are unstable (*cough*) but could that volotile period be an illustration as to how hormones affect our taste?

Cravings also tend to make us eat things that we might not like. I hate onions. Yes, I know they have no real flavor, but the texture really bothers me. Yet a craving sends me hunting for White Castle, known far and wide for having basically two ingredients, "meat" and onions. I eat it, and I enjoy it. Explain that too me.

Also, speaking of odd food, I feel a tinge of craving for an acorn right now. No, I'm not a squirrel. This autumn, I decided to eat an acorn, just because I was curious. It wasn't too bad, though a little bitter. I wanted another one a few weeks later, just out of the blue. Cravings are weird things.

Also, White Castle burgers and Sour Patch Kids are an interesting flavor mix....

Just something to chew on.

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