Sunday, April 3, 2011

Force of Will

So, I've been meaning to put something up, and this is all I can think of. I've started running, mostly because my Fitness for Life class tells me I have to do something physical, but also because I've been meaning to anyway. I've considered myself in a "relaxed" physical state, and I don't really think of myself as a big time runner. That being said, there is something really fascinating that the human body can do.

Our drive to keep going is amazing.

I run "The Loop" around campus, a stretch of road all the way around the main buildings that goes for something like 1.1 miles. It works for the exercise that I need. I run, usually, late at night, something like 1 or 2 in the morning. It's quiet and I can run without thinking people are watching me. I'm not self conscious mind you, I just look a little odd: toe running shoes, cargo shorts, whatever t-shirt I happened to have on at the time, a bandanna, and the lanky frame.

All that build up, and it doesn't really pertain to what I'm saying. At about 3/4 of the way, usually near the chapel, I feel my legs giving out. They feel like they'll just not let me go any further. Yet, I have never stopped because of fatigue, (there was one time I stopped running, but that was because a bus full of people were leaving for a Spring break trip, and I decided to see them off.) The thing that keeps me going is a desire to get to the end.

Ambition is such an amazing quality. God gives us a drive to do something, and we can do it. I love that my body has limits that I can push past. Late night running is one thing, but I know that I can do more in my life. I want to apply that same doggedness to other areas, like doing more reviews for Doc, or getting a major role in a play.

On a side note, I've cut my running time down. I started at about 10 minutes, and am at about 9 at this point. Hooray for measurable progress.

Just something to chew on.

1 comment:

  1. I've had this post as my homepage for about a year and a month as a helpful, random inspiration source. Just saying thanks before I change it :)
