Saturday, June 25, 2011

You Don't Know Me!!

In fact, most of you do know me (considering you probably wouldn't be reading this otherwise.) Something popped into my head this week, something that I've talked about with others before. This will probably rub some people the wrong way, but who cares.

Those people who whine about how "You don't know me" are idiots.

You've heard these kind of people right? You make some judgement about them and they scream about how you don't know who they are, or how they live in their private life. I guess the stereotype of this is the angry drunk girls on T.V. or something, but you get who I'm talking about at this point. Anyway, the reason I'm so harsh is because that statement doesn't make any sense.

It is very true that we don't know everything about everyone we meet. We all have secrets and private things that don't come out in daily life. Makes sense. Now what this whole build up is getting to. We can't be angry because people judge us because of what they see. How we present ourselves is who we are. If I'm sarcastic in my speaking, then people think I'm a sarcastic person. How right they are isn't the point, the point is that I portrayed myself as sarcastic and that's how people see me.

So, on to those people I talked about before. Usually a claim like the one above comes when they think someone (the "You" in this case) misjudged them. If say, a girl at a restaurant was being loud and obnoxious, yelling at the waiters and generally causing an uproar, you might think she's a self-entitled witch. Now, if you told her so, she'd probably feed you that line. In reality, she might be a nice person who you could get along with easily. Yet, because of they way she presented herself in polite company has dampened your view of her.

What I am saying is that we have to be careful about how we show ourselves to the world. We can't act one way and expect people to give us the benefit of the doubt. No one is going to think, "You know, just because he throws rocks at the elderly and is currently beating a homeless child with a pool stick doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad person. I'll try and get to know him better." We don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Cliche I know, but it is true. Don't get angry at people for judging you wrongly in your mind, think about how you've been showing yourself to the world. Often, you're the only one to blame for your reputation.

Then again, some people are just delusional tools who couldn't grasp reality if it came up and tore their face off.

Just something to chew on.

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