Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pirates and Preachers

(Heads up, we're looking at some parts of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so spoiler warning.)

I'm really tired of seeing Christians in movies as some kind of raving lunatic. So often it is the devout Christian who is the crazy serial killer, or the bumbling idiot. Somehow, a killer is more believable when they have some kind of religious basis. If you think I'm joking, check out the trailer for the movie The Ledge. Or watch some episodes of ABC's Secret Life, that one Christian chick needs some help.

As much as this is the case, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides has a character that is a breath of fresh air. One main sub-character is a dedicated missionary. This character, I feel, is a good example of what a Christian character can be in movies.

I really like Philip Swift.

Philip Swift is a missionary who is taken onto Captain Blackbeard's ship and kept alive by his daughter. He fully believes that any soul can be saved, no matter how cruel and diseased. Swift strongly stands against Blackbeard on a number of occasions, despite the risk to his health. With the mermaid Syrena, he is kind and compassionate, going out of his way to help her. Even while dying, he tried to both gain her freedom, and forgiveness.

What he shows a Christian to be contrasts with the Spanish  sailors. The Spanish show up toward the end to wreck the Fountain of Youth. The apparent Captain makes a note how God is the only one who can provide eternal life. They add the religious zealot aspect, but I didn't take them as the crazy types. You might not have like what they did (or thought it was a poor plot point) but I can't condemn them as crazy or stupid.

It's surprising that a movie like Pirates of the Caribbean could offer a decent view of Christians. Everyone can take their own moral views on Philip Swift, but I see him as a strong step for public medias like movies. Christians that are real people, not bible thumping lunatics, have a place in modern media, and characters like Philip Swift show just how realistic they can be.

The fact that the director keeps him shirtless for about half the movie probably adds to his popularity.

Just something to chew on.

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