Monday, May 9, 2011

Annoyances: "Mischief Makers"

For those of you who were hoping for an old N64 reference, you'll be sadly disappointed (that'll come another day.) This is the start of a pointless look at people types that annoy me. I'm sure my faithful readers are just dying to know about these little snippets, so why not oblige them. If anything, this is just a chance to clear my head a bit.

Don't try to be mischievous, especially if there is no believable way anyone think you could.

I've run into a few people like this is my few years. Some kids think that they're crafty or mischievous, and they try and tell everyone just how clever they are. They think they're pranksters, the kind of kids who are the class clowns and can pull off the tricks reminiscent of an episode of Recess.

Here's the thing. Every kid I've made that has made this claim, has been completely wrong. The most mischievous thing they have ever done was getting away with wearing two different colored socks. To them, there a diabolical mastermind, to the rest of us, they're just sad nuisances.

I know that this doesn't sound like it's a big deal, I'm just easily annoyed right? Wrong (shut up, it's true). With these kind of people, we have kids trying to be what they aren't and believing it. I suppose you could say that this is a general problem with most people. The reason I can make this category for people is because of how much they talk about it. Interestingly enough, I've never heard any one of them actually talk about their pranks, they just like to say things like, "I have to do [insert inane task] so I don't cause any mischief." Phrases like that make me think that they even realize that what they're saying is worthless, but they're still trying to pass it off as who they are.

So, on a whole, I people who aren't real bother me, but I can go into far greater detail on that another time (and I probably will.)

On a side note, I'm a fan of pranks, just like anyone else, just don't do one to me. Seriously, I will end you....

Just something to chew on.

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