Friday, October 28, 2011

Heart in a Pen

Admittedly, I've been putting some pretty heavy stuff up the last few weeks. Typically my updates have been about some issues or idea in our society, but these last ones have been rather introspective. No, I'm not a manic depressive or have some kind of split personality, I just right where I feel led. Interestingly enough, that very idea is my next topic.

I believe in writing what my heart tells me to.

Yes, I realize how cliche and mushy that sounds. It sounds like the end of some crappy kids movie right? The bad guys get defeated by the power of your heart! Pathetic (there's a reason no one wanted to be Ma-Ti from Captain Planet). But despite all the sickeningly sweet images you get, there is something to be said about writing what you feel, unedited and without any worry about what others think.

In reality, that's what I feel this whole online journal is. They are mental defragming, and have little structure. Any of my faithful readers might notice that I tend to wander, maybe babble from time to time. Here;s the reason, I don't plan what I'm going to write. Sure, I have a main topic each time, and maybe an image or point that came to me, but all the rest just fills in on its own (and it's not easy to have a relative introduction and some mildly witty ending each week). Sure, it might be better if I had some proper planning, but I would probably enjoy it less. I mean, I like doing this writing so much, that I've been thinking about making it a twice weekly thing (we'll see how that turns out).

Writing from the heart is something that I feel all writers do. There's only so far that logic and creativity can go, those stories and ideas that we love, that come from the heart are some of our best works. Honestly, I believe that everyone needs to do things from the heart: photographers, pastors, engineers, teachers, even accountants. Those ideas that possess you and ache to be put into action are the ones that can produce the most wonderous results.

Yet, as much as it should be a part of all lives, I also think that there is some fear that restricts. The heart is a delicate thing, that's just the truth of life. Even the toughest looking person has cracks that lead to heartache. When we do something, anything, from the heart, it opens us up to be shot down. Despite all the benefits that following what your heart is urging you to do, we can ignore that voice and choose to be safe. Little risk, little harm, right? But little reward as well.

Here's what I want. Let's have a day or a week or a lifetime where we just let go. Write what we want, draw what we want, take whatever pictures we want. Follow your heart. Mine is in my pen, my words. What I write has some part of me in it, this shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. What we need is a release, the ability to listen to that little voice in our hearts, those ideas and beliefs that seem so exciting. That's it, to anyone with some deep reservations and doubts, just do it. Get out there and go for it, whatever it is.

But not right now, I mean, it's like 2:45 at night, have some common sense.

Just something to chew on.

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