Friday, November 25, 2011

Petition for the Women

My role as a book reviewer means I get a hold of some titles that I wouldn't normally read. This latest batch has me reading a book on teen dating and sex. Not a topic I have a lot of experience with, nor do I intend to, but whatever, it's been interesting. In it was a point, however, that I think needs to be addressed and endorsed. It is an idea that I have seen in action a few times, typically being a part of it, but its range seems limited now. I hope that changes.

Girls, give your counsel to your guy friends.

Guys and girls think differently, this is a shock to no one. Of course, this revelation is made even more obvious through our interactions, we'll call them "conversations" if just to satisfy my current sardonic mood. Anyhow, we have different thought processes, different ways of dealing with situations, and varying methods of interpretation. What does this mean? It's hard to communicate and know what they other is saying. Hiring a translator won't work, mostly because I don't think either side has deciphered the other's language.

What I have seen, however, is how much we help each other. I know that I have talked with my female friends in the past and learned new perspectives, as well as interpretations that I hadn't thought of before. On the other side, I have played confidant for numerous people, listening and advising when I could. There is a benefit to having someone you can confide in who doesn't share your mindset.

Here's what we need, I believe. Girls, guys are pretty thick sometimes. Again, this is not the reveal of the millenia, but I need to cover that to move on. We benefit from your counsel. Yet it seems like it is hard to come by. It's like there is this unspoken taboo that says we aren't allowed to advise on other aspects of life. Conversations scrape away at whatever is shallowest and try to subsist on that. I mentioned before that I wish we could have deeper conversations, ask tough questions and get real answers. My request is that you girls out there who are our friends would be open to help. You have guys that trust you and respect your opinions, let them in on what you think. Let us learn from your mindsets. The value in these ideas are unparalleled.

Guys, I'm getting to you next week, just you wait.

Just something to chew on.

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