Friday, December 2, 2011

Petition for the Men

As I promised, this week we're talking to the guys. This will probably end up pretty short, partly because it is an easy set of ideas, and partly because I'm deathly sick. So with that, we're just going to jump right in.

Guys, be deserving of your lady friends counsel.

Here's what I mean. If the women you know are willing to talk with you, to help you work through problems you are having, whether with friends, work, or relationships with other women, you need to respect their input. Don't be the kind of guy who always runs to a friend, expecting them to take on all your problems, then ignore their advice. What that shows is that you don't care what they are telling you, you only want them to pay attention to you, give you sympathy.

Does this mean you always need to follow the advice you are given. There are times when you won't be given a viable plan. Your own judgement is just as important as the advice you are given. What you do need to do, however, is not take advantage you your friends willingness to help you.

One more thing. Guys, let's be honest. It is pretty easy to misconstrue a friends advice as a subtle sign they are interested in you. It's not your fault, discussions like that can be deep and intimate. That doesn't mean you should take it as a sign. It is possible to have profound discussions with women without a romantic interest. Don't let that idea get in the way of your friendship.

Also, learn when to keep your mouth shut, trust me.

Just something to chew on.

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